Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Sunday, 14 June 2015
Friday, 5 June 2015
Decontamination Unit On Site, Mesh In Place and a Hole In The Roof
Things sadly push forward now for the old school as the Asbestos Decontamination Unit is now on site. Its odd how a couple of months ago there was guys in their with no hard hats, no overhauls, no masks, goggles or anything and yet they where smashing away at the walls inside looking for asbestos. That de-con unit is around 7 weeks too late..
Also the railings now have an Inner fence behind them with mesh to keep any dust within the boundary of the demolition.
I guess the schools fate is now sealed and down it'll come :(
It also looks like they have been into the schools loft space and cut partially through the support beams so when the walls are pushed they have control over the roof falling inwards rather than onto the machine or the ground around it.
Security Is Also Now On Site, yet we have still not had anyone come forward with photos of inside the juniors.. has anyone contacted them, does anyone care, has all this documentary work been in vein?
Special thanks to vicky for sending us current status photos.
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Image (c) Vicky Brandwood |
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Image (c) Vicky Brandwood |
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Image (c) Vicky Brandwood |
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Image (c) Vicky Brandwood |
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Image (c) Vicky Brandwood |
Saturday, 30 May 2015
On this day 74 years ago Walter Franklin Tomkins Died
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EP Front Cover |
On this day 74 years ago Walter Franklin Tomkins died in Fazakerley General Hospital
after being Injured near his home on May 28th 1941 in an air raid.
To commemorate this day today, i have decided to release
"On The Trail of Walter Franklin Tomkins" as an MP3 download
It's FREE on google play Here.
Note that although i Can put it on iTunes, Spotify & Amazon
(I am unable to manually set prices on those stores)
So to put it in those stores, i would have to let them set the default prices
To which it is only available on googlePlay (to keep it free)
It's 100% Free and the files will work on Any device that supports MP3 audio.
Walter Franklin Tomkins June 25th 1877 to May 30th 1941 R.I.P
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Fazakerley Hospital - (c) Info On Image |
(c) Vicky Brandwood |
Thursday, 28 May 2015
It was on this night 74 years ago Walter Franklin Tomkins was injured
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Photo By ??? |
It's 74 years ago tonight that Walter Franklin Tomkins was injured on Sefton Road in Litherland not far from his house, which was also damaged while he was on fire watch duty.
He gave his life looking up at the skies and looking beyond the horizon for fires...
So that others may sleep..
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(RED DOT) Walters Old House |
Monday, 18 May 2015
Francis Balvaird Lowe (Head Master 1941-19??)
In 1941 Beach Road School (boys department) Second Headmaster was said to be Joseph Lowe (former head master of) Lander Road School AND Walter Franklin Tomkins mentor, while Walter trained to be a teacher & a headmaster. But you know.. as info goes.. or to coin the phrase.. hey joe, wha do ya no... I know his name wasn't Joe or Joseph.
His name was Francis, we can confirm that (besides from the news article here) because on his postal mail it says Mr F. B. Lowe, not a J in sight..
Factual Proof |
So again we bring it here first in this odd hunt for information
Lander Road School former head master & beach roads 2nd head masters Real Name was Francis Balvaird Lowe (his mothers maiden name was Ross) He took over at beach road in 1941 (when beach roads first headmaster) Walter Franklin Tomkins died.
I then also found a Letter, it could of been the letter that was in this envelope (who knows) This letter was from an architect, after a bit of research & even finding a photo of the architect, a little deeper research sadly showed this specific architect wouldn't be old enough to of designed beach road, though he was pretty famous none the less.
We know Mr Lowe came to the school after walter passed away, so we no for sure he started in beach road in 1941, but we have yet to determine when he left. We know from another news article that when Miss Sheila Allen retired, she had been at the school for 34 years, from the retirement date we range that from from 1937 to 1971 (she had replaced mr lowe as head of the whole school) The article also said and head mistress for 26 years. The issue we face is she was a head mistress for 26 years (but a large chunk of that was just as the girls department head) While Lowe was still head of the boys department.
We have a rough date of January 1964 that the girls & boys departments merged, that's as near as we got. So we have yet to pinpoint his leaving date.
He was a keen gardener and used to have the boys working in the council allotments up beach road.
To Be Updated Soon..
Friday, 15 May 2015
1958 School's Golden Jubilee Year Progress At Beach Road (The Herald)
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Thursday 14th August 1958 |
Jubilee Year
Progress At Beach Road
Every morning the school flag of Beach-road, Litherland, is flown and every evening it is lowered.
This is to show the gratitude and esteem to ex-pupils of the school who gave their lives during the two world wars. and to the previous head master of the school, Mr. Walter F. Tomkins, who was killed in an air raid in 1941.
It was in 1908 that Mr. Tomkins opened the Junior boys department as an overflow from lander-road School.
During these 50 years there have been man improvements. Mr. F. B. Lowe, the present head-master who came in 1941, has provided ever more scope for the boys. Among the many extra-school activities there are swimming, football, cricket and gardening.
The school now has a fine allotment complete with greenhouse which the pupils of the school built. They have raised grapes, gooseberries, black currants, roses, passion flowers (Natives of Brazil) and many other fruit trees and flowers.
The boy's department is not holding any special display to celebrate the school 50t year, as with them it is exam time.
The headmaster told a Herald Herald reporter: "Hardly a day goes by without one of the ex-pupils of the school calling in to say hello." During the war a magazine published at the school was sent to all ex-pupils all over the world and the school raised £200 which was sent to the old boys in the services during the war. In response, hundreds of letters of thanks were received.
The following boys will be presented with swimming certificates and trophies next Friday by councillor Mrs. E. Forrester (Chairman of Litherland U.D.C): James C. Morris, David Shone, Raymond Lorentz, Kenneth Denson, Robert Weeks, Raymond White. John Almond, Douglas Atkins, David Smith, Ian Viney, Geoffrey Moss, Malcom Russell, William Brewne, Eric Agar, Martin Smith, Raymond Lewis, Robert Jones, John Mcilrey, Andrew Stene, John Routledge, Stephen Trapnell, George Millington and John Hignett.
Championship, George Millington, winner of the Walker Silver Cup; Stephen Trapnel. Breast-stroke champion, winner of the W. Morton cup: John Routledge, diving champion winner of the Trevor Bond cup.
Like the boys' department, the girls will not be having any special display t celebrate the school's 50th year. The girls' department was also opened the same year (1908) by Miss K.E. Jones who remained head mistress till her retirement in 1942; she was followed by Miss F. E. Carter (till 1945); then came the present head mistress, Miss S. Allen, B.A.
Miss Jones the first head mistress is in happy retirement in Sussex.
Unlike the junior boys' and girls' departments, the infants have staged a wonderful arts and crafts exhibition.
The infants school was opened by Miss Helen L. Smellie who was head-mistress till 1938 when she retired. From 1938 till 1951 Miss A. G. Packman was headmistress and from 1951 till 1956, Miss S. Jackson. In 1956 the present headmistress Mrs. S. H. Oplatek, came.
On Wednesday afternoon a number of inspectors toured the school and viewed the many drawings, painting and models which children had made. The standard of these exhibits was very high. Yesterday afternoon parents and friends of pupils toured the school. In the evening a bouquet was presented to Mrs A. E. Whitty who has done so much for the school; she has been a member of the school managers for 40 years.
The Exhibition was organised Mrs. Oplatek and the deputy head, Miss E. Jones.
Mrs. Oplatek (headmistress of the infants) saved this article and put it into the Infants School Log Book. It is truly fantastic to see how the early heads of the school departments had such a passion for it's moments in time.. moments that will soon sadly become the only remnants of its whole existence....or proof it even existed... Romantic Notions Indeed... This isn't the only clipping she saved.. nor the others.. so expect more (though im not transcribing them, ive done enough) .. check back for updates around the blog or sign into google and click follow to be notified of new "posts" though "Pages" you will have to check back on manually.
We have no idea who wrote this article and would like to credit them here for writing it.
Thursday, 14 May 2015
Friday, 8 May 2015
Thursday, 30 April 2015
On The Trail Of Walter Franklin Tomkins (pre dvd cut)
On The Trail Of Walter Franklin Tomkins (pre dvd cut)
This is essentially a DVD Extra kinda thing and it's done as can be specifics wise (unless) some more Visual content comes forward before i have finished the other video projects. If not, then the final cut of this (for the dvd) will have the blank/black box moments replaced with scrolling random visuals that are semi related yet unimportant, but that'll be pretty boring. I am not a camera loving kinda person, so that's why i have not simply just filled the blank bits with me & my face talking on screen. ;) Why the frame type video? A lot of the graphics and images are LOW Resolution & don't look well when stretched.
Its a shame youtube doesn't count statistics from Embedded playbacks,
Because this got fairly hammered within the first 24 hours of posting it on facebook.
You can now get this in Audio form & the score (for free) see here for more information.
Friday, 24 April 2015
Roll of Honours County Scholarships
With all the research i have been doing i have not had chance or any inclination to research the architectural information as from what i have seen their is no information easily accessible.
One of the researchers Vicky Brandwood hit upon an idea to contact Cambridge Road Waterloo Grammar School because the building design is similar and around the same age, this is what they sent back to her.
Hi Vicky,
I have been given the following information (for Waterloo with Seaforth Secondary School, as it was called before Waterloo Grammar School), copied and pasted below;
The building was erected at a cost of £16,950 and was satisfactorily carried out by Messrs. S. & J. Smethurst Ltd. Of Oldham. The internal fittings for teaching purposes in the various rooms were carried out by Messrs. J. Heywood Ltd of Manchester at a cost of £1520.00.
The clerk of works was Mr. J. T. Parker and the buildings have been erected from the designs and under the supervision of the County Architect - Mr. Henry Littler.
Lancashire County Council and Waterloo-with-Seaforth Urban District Council had joint responsibility for secondary education and in 1912 opened the co-educational Waterloo Secondary School in Cambridge Road.
Many old boys of our school came from Beach Road after passing the 11+ ( or 'scholarship' as they knew it), and it was only in recent years they found out the school had an honours board.
The year after the pupils left the names of those passing the 11+ would be added to the board, so most never saw their names on it.
Several years ago an old boy visiting from the USA visited taking a photograph, which we printed in our annual magazine (see copy attached).
Also find a photograph sent by one of our members (Beech Road, 1952).
I hope this is of some help, if I come across anything else I will get back in touch.
Bet regards,
Lol Sinclair
Roll of Honours Board 1 of ?? |
Scholarship Boys 1952 |
This was also found recently on the net
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Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Saturday, 28 March 2015
Walter Franklin Tomkins (Head Master 1908-1941)
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Image 1912 |
In 1901 Lander Road Council School was getting too crowded so the council made use of an old tin hut on Scarasbrick Avenue in Litherland for a temporary school housing the Infants. Although we often refer to it as the Tin Hut at scarasbrick ave, its Official title became Scarisbrick Avenue Council School as shown in one of the original school registers from 1907 to 1910.
Beach Road Operated An Invalid Register In 1908? |
At some stage the council decided to create a purpose built school, Walter Muspratt built it, he may have designed it.
What we do know is it opened on Monday the 10th of August in 1908 as a mixed gender Infants building and a Segmented gender Junior building.
Walter F. Tomkins was 31 when he became headmaster of the beach road boys department of the council school in 1908 and worked their up until 2 days before his death. He Died age of 63 on the 30th of May 1941. He was injured during an air raid near his home on Sefton Road while on fire watch duty and later died from injuries sustained.
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Photo by Michael Jones (March 2015) Bootle Cemetery |
We would like to thank Michael Jones for making it possible for us to finally get his resting place listed. The original find a grave website listing was incomplete and locked when they merged 2 websites into one leaving the ability to edit it impossible and no cemetery was ever listed.
I have forwarded all the info to them and that link i posted above should now lead to it.
Note: any images on the site are credited to who took them (the persons name who added the image is only the uploader) click the images on find my grave to view the image description and credits.
Here is how it began, where it lead and where it ends...
Our walk through history begins with beach roads first headmaster, Mr Walter Franklin Tomkins. I am going to help uncover the origins of Walter and even theorize some aspects of his life. I had been truly hunting in the dark for info researching Walters past, Ide found a lot of free websites that gave random snippets of information from varied years but most was the same info and in some cases also contradicting. I found many massive gaps in history and other random errors in the information that differed. The differences i challenged with calculated assumptions and ideas to tie the info together, some fact, some romantic notions and gut feelings. Most of which often later became fact too, when handing ideas across for verification, the ideas i had lead to actual documents.
Due to the damage caused during the war, most the buildings that held historic documents such as the Census and other parish records taken in districts were either damaged, destroyed or lost when Liverpool was heavily bombed. School records for certain time frames are also missing, be it due to the war or the school being emptied and made into a hospital during 1914-1918, maybe records got lost in transit or storage. There are missing books, logs registers, even teacher listings that web sites have for many schools, even Lander road, but most of beach road schools information is missing.
I was piecing bits together, names, locations, dates; i was even filling in boxes on websites submitting missing information and even editing and replacing errors within information. It got very daunting also landing on pay me sites like Ancestry as i kept hunting on a none budget production. Then i also realized im not just documenting anymore, im re-writing history, laying down searchable information about a historic figure and i thought do i have the right to do this?, to edit and map a life, to correct invalid information from documents online?, am i even doing this right?.
So i stopped and concentrated on what i had rather than what i didn’t, i dumped a load of images and info in a beach road school facebook group, then i made a dedicated facebook page history timeline spanning from 1908 to 2015 of what i already had in the hopes it would bring forward contradictions and more info from pupils and then i shot off to work. With a view to check back on comments later, i began to sit back and absorb the information i already had.
The facts, the massive gaps, it all got side tracked so fast with possible paths. So while i was waiting for date ranges and names on stuff ide posted i decided to take the approach on a more personal basis. A strange comment that was made early on “Romantic Notions About The School” I figured while they all chat and sift through their heads and compare their own memories to what ide posted i went to sift through the internet and follow the people rather than the place. I figured my internet research will formulate a timeline for the first headmaster. A man from a time were no former pupils exist to help with that information, i figured Walter is the only name we have so far from a time where no one is alive to provide info.
I wanted to back track Walters wife first in the hopes she was maybe from an outer region far less bombed than Liverpool. I had too many Walter Tomkins in Liverpool and as a secular head i assumed not christened too. I figured if she wasn’t in liverpool or was religious then just maybe a chance that records still could exist outside Liverpool. Problem was i had no maiden name, so i kept looking around for info on Walter and was tying bits together about his own children going forward rather than backward when someone found the grave of Walter Tomkins and posted a photo of it, sheer side tracking me lol.
A few days later, Vicky, one of the researchers went and took photos too which showed more detail and other names on the same grave. The stone block had 2 other names, Besides Walter on the front and Edith on the back; It also had a Margaret Constance Corris on one side and Florence J. Corris on the other side, who are these people buried with a husband and wife?
I asked the other researcher Lorraine if the Corris names rang any bells while she’d been looking around and she said the Corris name on the side of Walters grave stone was Walters wife’s sister, a widow and she was living there as Walter and Edith’s housekeeper, Florence was said to be the widows daughter. Now i had an explanation as to who they where and why they are on the stone, but i still had no maiden name, drat’s. Another dead end i assumed Corris was Margaret’s married name.
So i had an age at death & date of death, with that an estimated dob, so i thought it’s all i have, but why are they buried together with a house keeper? So i looked her up on the off chance. Boom, Florence Corris wasn’t the widows daughter, Margaret Corris was her sister, Margaret wasn’t even a widow nor was she Florence’s mum?, In fact Margaret, Florence and Edith where all sisters, 3 of them living with Walter. So now I had a maiden name to backtrack Walter’s wife & location, o yes.
Right away i was finding information going back to a century ago and there were parts of her life before she met Walter.
Could info in Edith's timeline fill in blanks with Walters? With so many missing documents for Walter? could her movements lead to Walter? Why had the researcher sat on that name? Where did she get that name? She was a House keeper, how did she know this? Why did she think she was a widow? I had so many more questions lmfao. So off i went hunting and there it was, not too far from our own shores in church records, the three corris sisters.
Right away i was finding information going back to a century ago and there were parts of her life before she met Walter.
Could info in Edith's timeline fill in blanks with Walters? With so many missing documents for Walter? could her movements lead to Walter? Why had the researcher sat on that name? Where did she get that name? She was a House keeper, how did she know this? Why did she think she was a widow? I had so many more questions lmfao. So off i went hunting and there it was, not too far from our own shores in church records, the three corris sisters.
Walters’s wife Edith Corris was born in Peel, on the Isle of Man in 1876, on the 29th of November. She grew up at 53 Douglas Street, she was the daughter of John Caesar Corris, i was right, records further afield outside Liverpool’s air raid problems proved so fruitful it was unreal. Edith was christened Edith Anne Corris in St Peter's, Liverpool on the 02 August 1877. Walters soon to be father in law is listed at the christening, John Caesar Corris was a lead minor from the town of peel on the Isle of Man. John and his wife Catharine Emilie Shimmin Corris used to travel over from the Isle of Man to Liverpool on business and often stayed in Saunders Guest House at 71 Shaw Street, West Derby, Isn’t that where one of the Walter Tomkins lived?, could i prove the Walter Tomkins In West Derby? Were in fact thee Walter F Tomkins, i had no paperwork to prove it or F. on sites.
Now gaps and maps are shrinking and information ive been merging is not just romantic notions and assumptions but actual historic facts painting a picture. I decide to pause on the Corris time line and divert back to Walter, but how can i do that when i can’t access information because it’s either lost or requires money to view?, Then i thought ile look for Walter’s father because i realized he’s clearly been around longer, so records are more widely distributed and stored, less chance of all burnt or damaged. There I find George Tomkins registered on the earliest census of 1891 living at 24 Norwood Grove in West Derby.
Now i have proof it is West Derby and get my first Solid Fact to connect to the theory. There are 13 living at the address in 1891 , 2 Servants along with 11 Tomkins surnames which includes George, His Wife and 9 Children, go George...
With an address now for Walter’s father i looked into the 1901 census for the same District and found 9 at the same address, no servants listed, Walter was still listed and now with the occupation of School Master, Its him yey, but that’s a teacher, not a head master. Walter’s sister Elizabeth is also now listed as a school mistress and boom i am assuming Elizabeth is the Teacher on the left side of the 1903 Tin Hut photo AKA Scarisbrick Avenue Council School and also on the 1912 beach road teacher’s photo sitting on Walter’s left , does she not look a little like Walter bone structure wise?
Isle of Man to West Derby, connection bridged, but how to narrow in?
I also spot on a later census that Elizabeth is now married and her surname is Pickolls (and its Walters Sister Elizabeth who was the widow) not his wife’s sister, more confirmations. I decided to jump back to Edith’s time line to work out distances from the guest house they stayed in to Walter’s parent’s previous address, at which point i found George had moved to 10 Geneva Road Elm Park by 1911 and Walter was now listed at 19 Sefton Road in 1911 with Edith, so im side tracked again.
Now i had a time frame to narrow down a wedding year too, all on the assumption that’s why they moved. So i mapped out a distance range between Walter, Edith, local entertainment and wouldn’t luck show its face when i choose the 1 church that no longer exists as where they probably met and married by my geography. Yes that’s right; the Church of Emmanuel on west derby road is gone. So i have a parish, a church, a time frame, i can prove Edith Corris became Edith Ann Corris. Off onto the freebie websites i go and i find an Edith Ann Corris may have married 1 of 3 people in that church, more damaged records im fixing online, one of the 3 names listed was Walter F Tomkins. This is information the Google search engine and many others doesn’t access, as its not valid information. They store a lot of records with marriages that name 3 possible people within a 3 month period.
Jackpot, with that partial choice of 3 months within a specific year and choice of 3 people i narrowed to 1 person, but could i get a month or even a day? Who cares, I had tracked down and located the church, the year and even found an image on Flickr of the church for 1905, yet i needed that month, i duno why. I had decided to tally when everyone moved (both home and jobs types) and picked myself an assumption date. Suddenly one of the researchers Vicky sends me a marriage listing & a certificate from a parish record that contains the church name and the exact date, i had August 1905, it was in fact the 26th of July 1905, I should of known it was July, he started in beach road in August 1908 as head, school must of started August back then?. But he also started in Scarasbrick Avenue as head, before that he was a school master, a head master would be married & clearly before school began.
The listed church on the certificate was right, i had hopes finding a date would find a cert listing to prove what church it was and now i had the proof the other way around for once lol.
The church i had chose was next to the Olympia theatre, i chose it for one simple reason (because the male would spend quality time with himself, while the christened would seek guidance next door lol) and would you believe it, with that choice and district information? Right over the road from the Olympia and the Church (them local entertainments) was 130 West Derby Road, which just happened to be listed as George Tomkins shop, awe theirs that romantic feeling thing lol.
The church i had chose was next to the Olympia theatre, i chose it for one simple reason (because the male would spend quality time with himself, while the christened would seek guidance next door lol) and would you believe it, with that choice and district information? Right over the road from the Olympia and the Church (them local entertainments) was 130 West Derby Road, which just happened to be listed as George Tomkins shop, awe theirs that romantic feeling thing lol.
Now i no where they probably met, maybe Walter & John met at the theatre or Edith’s mum met Walter’s mum or Walter’s sisters at the church, new her from the shop?, Was Walter’s mum or sisters christened or religious in anyway, i didn’t look i didn’t care. All a stone’s throw from each other, one of three buildings on that road was where they met, we could assume all three places even if they were not religious due to seasonal services people attend just out of respect, we’ll never truly know for sure unless a living relative has a diary Edith or a sister may of kept, so who knows.
At this point i am miles away from the schools history, i still don’t even know the name of the architect or the year it was specifically built and built by which builders. But i am confident i can tell Walters story with the respect & clarity it merits too kick off the documentary.
I had surpassed my own expectations at this stage let alone what everyone else was expecting, i was pretty much blown away at so much information. When George (Walters father) retired at 65 and moved house around 1909 His other son Oliver took up position at the shop and Walter had already moved to Sefton Road to be closer to Beach Road School and by now married Edith.
Back tracking i also learnt Walter was one of 11 children in total, though one died, He had 2 brothers and the rest where sisters and Walter now had 3 children of his own. All romantic notions aside this is simply fascinating and personal; i never even compared information to name the lost child or name all the children. I just knew i was ready to record Walter’s section of the documentary & some is to personal and also off topic really for the subject matter being about the school.
In the beginning from Mr Allan Johnston’s research we knew Walter worked at Lander Road School, and we now know for sure he was only a teacher at that time, and when he went to the tin hut it was to be a head master, we also know the tin hut was the size of land covered by 4 houses and not so small as it seems.
From the original registers we know the official name for that was Scarisbrick Avenue Council School, so Walter got married in July of 1905 and became headmaster in the August of that year too. So with much progress finding all this information and random help & errors from researchers and websites all intermixed and then odd documents come to light helping to confirm it all, i pops back to facebook in hopes for info on Joseph Lowe and any others. Sadly not much info’s come forward besides a few names and dates. So off i went with my camera to chat to Walter & to this day i will never forget what i found when i got there. We also know that beach roads register was probably illegal until August 1910, (edit) that said ive since seen it & the 1910 to 1916 has no school name on it's main page lol.
After the time ive put in and issues ive ran into be it life related and actually project related problems i would ask that if people want to help, that they do so, i don’t expect miracles from people, but if there’s something you have then contribute it, if you’re unsure how, ask a friend. This word document is information on 2 families ive gathered; i don’t expect anyone to go this in-depth or expect that many to understand how i did. But Scanning photos, contributing names and dates to posts and photos helps tie a VISUAL side to the research that’ll be vocally narrated.
I am good at most things i do, that’s why i choose to do what i do, save’s wasting time doing what i know i can, rather than what i think i can, but hey.. I can’t pluck visual multimedia outa fresh air, though a time machine is on my to do list lol
Ide like to thank Alison Porter and Vicky Brandwood for a lot of help with the age calculations from my erratic dates and my random assumptions of dates i needed calculating.
Ide also like to thank Vicky Brandwood and Lorraine Fairbrother for being honest and objective as i bounced theories around while sounding like a mad man.
What we learnt is go with your gut, tally the facts, and question what you have rather than what you haven’t, that’ll lead to what’s missing. You need the date of what you have to know where to look for what you haven’t, dates and districts.
Robert Goodwin (Historian and Genealogy specialist) apparently. lol
text 2015 (c) Wraith and Friends Productions
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Chapter Image |
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Book Page |
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Book Page |
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Book Page |
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Tree Compiled by Robert Goodwin (Mildred is actually Milbrow) |
Walters missing mum below was Annie Maria Franklin
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Tree Compiled by Robert Goodwin |
MISC Notes:
i can confirm for the that Edith Ann Corris did not marry Robert Clague, its also pretty obvious she also didn't marry Mary Hall.. come on.. lol
She married Mr Walter Franklin Tomkins
Though edith seamed to travel from the ile of man to liverpool and outer towns with her father,
In 1881 she was working as a nurse on the Isle of man before she moved over to Liverpool permanently in 1891. Edith lived and worked in Everton as a Clerk, oddly she told the census bureau she was 27 in 1901, but she cant of been, Edith would of been 25, 26 maximum depending on what month the census was taken in Everton in 1901.
Working on Mr Allan Johnston's project i often came across images accredited to what looks like The Alan Holsworth Collection, but its hard to tell as the names so blurred and often spelt differently with a D and without when he's credited about compiling litherland info and watermarked images. Note the probate below, could Allan Holdsworth Tyrer be the same amateur photographer & historian who in turn married one of Walters daughters? The school could of been an art gallery and museum for Sefton history.
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Walter Tomkins Probate |
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Walter F. Tomkins And Edith Anne Corris Marriage Certificate |
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130 West Derby Road, The RED Dot Would be George Tomkins Pork Wholesalers |
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Edith To Walter Distance AERIAL |
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Edith To Walter Distance MAP |
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Saunders House 71 Shaw Street |
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The Church of Emmanuel & Olympia West Derby - Philip G Mayer Collection |
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The Olympia - From Flickr Keith Jones |
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Please Note This is NOT Walters Wedding, But Its Inside The Church That's Gone |
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Please Note This is NOT Walters Wedding, But Its Inside The Church That's Gone |
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Civilian War Dead Sheet |
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53 Douglas Street Isle Of Man |
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Walter and Unknown Woman Image Overlay |
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Could Elizabeth Tomkins / Nicholls (walters sister) actually be woman in old pics |
Research Tools i used are here Also note none of them links are referral links, We have zero affiliation with any of them.
Last but not least.
It would be seriously fantastic to find a picture of the actual row of shops featuring the pork wholesalers shop. Was it a shop? was it a longer building and semi slaughter house behind it or something? Just what else was on that plot of land opposite the Olympia & the Church?
Before George Tomkins opened that shop on West Derby Road, he ran the Butchers at 41 Great Homer Street.
On The Trail Of Walter Franklin Tomkins (pre dvd cut)
On Youtube HERE Also available in Mp3 HERE
63 years 11 months 5 days
or 767 months 5 days
or 3335 weeks 4 days
or 23,349 days
or 560,376 hours, give or take
or 33,622,560 minutes, give or take
or 2,017,353,600 seconds, give or take
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