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Thursday 14th August 1958 |
Jubilee Year
Progress At Beach Road
Every morning the school flag of Beach-road, Litherland, is flown and every evening it is lowered.
This is to show the gratitude and esteem to ex-pupils of the school who gave their lives during the two world wars. and to the previous head master of the school, Mr. Walter F. Tomkins, who was killed in an air raid in 1941.
It was in 1908 that Mr. Tomkins opened the Junior boys department as an overflow from lander-road School.
During these 50 years there have been man improvements. Mr. F. B. Lowe, the present head-master who came in 1941, has provided ever more scope for the boys. Among the many extra-school activities there are swimming, football, cricket and gardening.
The school now has a fine allotment complete with greenhouse which the pupils of the school built. They have raised grapes, gooseberries, black currants, roses, passion flowers (Natives of Brazil) and many other fruit trees and flowers.
The boy's department is not holding any special display to celebrate the school 50t year, as with them it is exam time.
The headmaster told a Herald Herald reporter: "Hardly a day goes by without one of the ex-pupils of the school calling in to say hello." During the war a magazine published at the school was sent to all ex-pupils all over the world and the school raised £200 which was sent to the old boys in the services during the war. In response, hundreds of letters of thanks were received.
The following boys will be presented with swimming certificates and trophies next Friday by councillor Mrs. E. Forrester (Chairman of Litherland U.D.C): James C. Morris, David Shone, Raymond Lorentz, Kenneth Denson, Robert Weeks, Raymond White. John Almond, Douglas Atkins, David Smith, Ian Viney, Geoffrey Moss, Malcom Russell, William Brewne, Eric Agar, Martin Smith, Raymond Lewis, Robert Jones, John Mcilrey, Andrew Stene, John Routledge, Stephen Trapnell, George Millington and John Hignett.
Championship, George Millington, winner of the Walker Silver Cup; Stephen Trapnel. Breast-stroke champion, winner of the W. Morton cup: John Routledge, diving champion winner of the Trevor Bond cup.
Like the boys' department, the girls will not be having any special display t celebrate the school's 50th year. The girls' department was also opened the same year (1908) by Miss K.E. Jones who remained head mistress till her retirement in 1942; she was followed by Miss F. E. Carter (till 1945); then came the present head mistress, Miss S. Allen, B.A.
Miss Jones the first head mistress is in happy retirement in Sussex.
Unlike the junior boys' and girls' departments, the infants have staged a wonderful arts and crafts exhibition.
The infants school was opened by Miss Helen L. Smellie who was head-mistress till 1938 when she retired. From 1938 till 1951 Miss A. G. Packman was headmistress and from 1951 till 1956, Miss S. Jackson. In 1956 the present headmistress Mrs. S. H. Oplatek, came.
On Wednesday afternoon a number of inspectors toured the school and viewed the many drawings, painting and models which children had made. The standard of these exhibits was very high. Yesterday afternoon parents and friends of pupils toured the school. In the evening a bouquet was presented to Mrs A. E. Whitty who has done so much for the school; she has been a member of the school managers for 40 years.
The Exhibition was organised Mrs. Oplatek and the deputy head, Miss E. Jones.
Mrs. Oplatek (headmistress of the infants) saved this article and put it into the Infants School Log Book. It is truly fantastic to see how the early heads of the school departments had such a passion for it's moments in time.. moments that will soon sadly become the only remnants of its whole existence....or proof it even existed... Romantic Notions Indeed... This isn't the only clipping she saved.. nor the others.. so expect more (though im not transcribing them, ive done enough) .. check back for updates around the blog or sign into google and click follow to be notified of new "posts" though "Pages" you will have to check back on manually.
We have no idea who wrote this article and would like to credit them here for writing it.
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